Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Passing

In these past two months, we’ve seen the passing of two great names of our age; Professor Dennis Ritchie, father of C programming language; and Professor John McCarthy, father of Lisp and Artificial Intelligence.

Great people are not just geniuses, but they also include the spirit of exploration and ingenuity that makes a person achieve great things that the likes of Steven Jobs will never achieve, this life or next.

Professor Dennis Ritchie invented the C language, a programming language that basically revolutionize programming languages and provided a good standard programming language for various computing machines when programming back in 70s is still, in general, a mess. This creation later became the key to the existence of the UNIX System which leads to the creation of various operating systems that later evolved into modern operating systems such as Mac and Windows. Although the language has been modified and patched across the decades since its creation to keep up with modern technologies, it remains the most widely used programming language today. One can boldly state that without C, most modern computing systems would have appeared much later.

Professor John McCarthy, is the person who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” where so many of us casually spoken of, and whose passion in Artificial Intelligence leads him to create the Lisp programming langue which the industry eagerly adapted. The programming language later became the programming language of choice in the application of AI due to its close relation to mathematical operation. As the second oldest programming language in existence, many ideas were pioneered with Lisp such as tree data structures and dynamic typing. The professor’s various contributions in the field of Artificial Intelligence via new ideas and intuition helped the growth of the field. Without his contribution, and many other great names in AI and related fields, Siri will never have existed, Asimo will never have been created, and we could’ve never heard of the term “smart” so casually employed in every system that even barely involves AI programming.

It is sad the media pays more attention to the likes of the pirates of the Silicon Valley than inventors and creators such as these two great people whose life’s work brought countless benefits to various fields such as medicine and economics.

Let us NOT forget it was them who made our day to day technologies and our tech gadgets possible, not the pirates.

Monday, June 06, 2011

The Junction Again

I'm back at where I was 5 years ago...on the junction of choices; it's time to choose my path to future again. I've got 2 choices:

1. Get back to Malaysia, continue to work as an average monkey programmer, under the unjust and unfair system setup by some no-brainers 50 years ago and still supported by some morons now. And live my days out by just working for a salary to sustain me and my family. While doing that, I get the comfort of staying with my family and friends, in the close comforts of people I know, sharing my life with them.

2. Stay here, the place I have come to love so much, get a job or forward to PhD and probably get myself to contribute to computer science in my own capacity as a scientist while getting to live under a fairer and more just system and still get to sustain me and my family. In this case, I get to live on myself far away from what I left behind at home and call this place my new home, living my future out... alone.

I have got no quote from any great scientists or figures in history. All I had is my desires in conflict; living a selfish life in the comfort of family and friends and the possibility with my love or living a life of contributing to science in loneliness. I have never before felt so hard to choose between my path to my dream and relationship...

Monday, February 14, 2011



Saturday, January 08, 2011


说起你我就觉得神奇了。刚见到你的时候老是见到你板着一张脸,尤其是你那次临时上场做投影片时更是可怕,我还以为你很不高兴被学兄摆上去。但是过后在论坛废久了才很惊讶的发觉原来你很会说冷笑话,也很会废。集训的时候不管状况怎么差,你都会用很积极的态度去面对所以我很佩服你。如果不是被你那积极的态度影响到,说不定那时我已经中途放弃了。虽然没什么时间多认识你,但是我走之前发觉你很会观察别人。我载了几你次,你就说中我一直以来的心事。某种程度上来说,那也是满可怕的。但是怎么说都好,我很高兴能在那短短的日子里认识你 :)



