Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wonderful Night

Here's the day…I was looking at the clock the whole day, waiting for 6.30pm to come. I did some housework; fetch my little brother for badminton class and went for bath. Then I just simply pick a novel, waiting time to pass which every minute seems like a century =_=|| When the clock strikes 6.10, I went for preparations…clothes, tickets, etc…and messaged her before I got in the car. And the whole process goes on with my parents keep nagging me of watching out at night (which I know they’re worried at my safety). After she replied, I fetch her up at her house and I drove all the way to KLCC.

I decided to try out the SMART tunnel to see if the traffic is really as smooth as I was supposed to be and yup, I managed to get near the KLCC entrance in 10 minutes where the traffic starts to turn bad for a while before I drive into the car park. Despite of the traffic congestion in town centre, I have to admit SMART tunnel did a good job on smothering the traffic which saves us a lot of time.

We went for a half hour pre-concert event which turned out to be some interview on tonight’s guest conductor: Paul Daniel. Because it was just only the few of us, instead of talking on the stage, they came down to the audience seats for the interview which is more like a chat where Paul Daniel tells us about his past experience and occasionally some jokes. After the event ended, we walked around the ground floor chatting, waiting time to pass.

Then we got into the MPO hall again for the performance. The performance goes very well. The first performance was Richard Strauss’s Till Eulenspiegel Merry Pranks (Op. 28). The Second performance was Felix Mendelson’s Piano Concerto No.1 in G minor (Op. 25) played by Steven Osborn and the last performance was Brahms’s Serenade No.1 in D (Op. 11) which, although it’s not meant to be…a symphony. I especially liked the piano concerto played by Steven Osborne and only after the performance, do I now why she loves it.

The idea of asking her out for tonight is to let her enjoy the performance, relax for the night, celebrate her coming birthday and etc. Through out the performance, I can see her happily listening at the music played by the orchestra and enjoying the piano concerto which she loved so much. And that’s the most important thing. I’m glad to see her enjoying the performance. After all, the whole thing is about making her enjoy the night performance.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Friday Night

next Monday is a special day for her...her birthday. I was scratching my head since last last week, thinking what kinda surprise i can give her...finally, orchestra is the answer. So i flip through the 06/07 MPO calendar and tada...MPO series right at this weekend which i recalled she didn't managed to get tickets for that.

I decided to go today, concerning of the ticket availability, her availability and most importantly, possibility of maximizing the surprise :P but when i reached there, only then i found out they've got plenty of spaces ==|| should have gone tomorrow...but never mind, when i asked her for that performance at Friday after i confirmed the availability, i can hear that she's quite surprised (satisfied~~~ XD) and took her around an hour or so to give me a reply and i'm wondering what caused that *hmm....*

While waiting for her surprise, i went "treasure hunting" at Kinokuniya and very satisfactorily hunted few books before her reply comes. I admit i was a bit nervous of her answer...lucky me, she can make it XD so I got to MPO at once to get the tickets and went all my way to Borders at Times Square for some relax time :P and i am looking forward to this Friday :D

Saturday, May 12, 2007


昨天在家里闲着没事做,就跑去附近的Endah Parade走走,也顺便找个母亲节礼物给妈妈。走完整个商场,结果买了一双耳环和一条项链为了佩耳环和项链的颜色,我把店员搞得团团转还找她帮看 -_-|| 没办法啦,本人很少买礼物给女生,就失败到连我妈喜欢什么款式的项链首饰都不懂,所以只好请店员小姐帮帮眼,找最好看得啦

过后,我决定再买些其他东西来掩饰,以免让我那大嘴的小弟四处广播我买的礼物,破坏我准备好的惊喜。结果我就买了两本漫画,在把礼物好好的放在装漫画的袋里。回到家后我才发现,我满以为我还没买的漫画竟然是我在考试前买的那两本!!!气煞我也 >.< 不过也算了,反正之前买的那两本不知给我二弟拿去那里了,就拿来当收藏。

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Last Subject!!!

Finally~~~ my last subject of the whole scary horryfying test is right here. After this, i'll be free for 3 weeks!!! Cheers~~~