Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Birthday Celebration XD (4th Nov 06)

man…I love year ends especially this one…long holidays, lotsa out goings, family vacations and the most I’ve enjoyed: gathering with old friends XD .During Penguin and my birthday, everyone was either busy or out station. So, Panda and Polar planned to a belated celebration today. We went for Karaoke, Movie, and Dinner…and I am sure all of us do take the full advantage enjoying the day. Surprising part was my birthday present which I didn’t even think of receiving one :P They knew I love buying books so they secretly buy a Borders’ Cash Card (Very nice Design of course XD) and gave it to me “officially” at our dinner time which surprises me! At the next moment, it’s my turn to surprise Penguin with her birthday present which I took months to figure out but finally asks for Panda and Polar’s help. And that’s the element of things being so worthy here, we keep trying to surprise each other and in the process, we’re enjoying it and we learn more of each of us J what can i's a miracle that i meet them :D

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